Goblin-Repellent Cologne

Goblin-Repellent Cologne

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Meet Goblin-Repellent Cologne – the answer to the question you didn’t know you had: “How do I maintain a goblin-free existence while also testing the bounds of my friendships?”

Our state-of-the-art perfume lab has concocted a scent so powerfully repugnant, it makes onions cry and skunks give a nod of respect. Crafted with a blend of odors so wonderfully abhorrent, it not only ensures goblins skedaddle faster than a cat on a hot tin roof, but it also guarantees anyone within a 5-mile radius will do the same.

Perfect for that mate of yours who’s often wondered how to live a goblin-free life. Or for the one who enjoys a good prank. You know, the friend who asks, “What’s the most eccentric gift I can give?” Yes, that one. It’s Goblin-Repellent Cologne, of course!

So, if you’re looking to create an impregnable olfactory fortress, or just have a laugh at the expense of your pals’ nostrils, our Goblin-Repellent Cologne is your ticket to a goblin-free (and possibly friend-free) existence. It’s the perfect aroma to make everyone, not just goblins, say “Nope” and vanish into the ether! But you do have more to choose from, if so inclined.

YOU ROCK!! Any order timely placed using the affiliate links above helps to support this stubborn dad (who stubbornly wants to work remotely, closer to his kids) through a small commission (see here for details). Seriously, you’re the best!

Want even more fun, quirky and utterly ridiculous gift ideas? I’ve got ’em!


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