Rocky the Rock Pet

Pet Rock

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Meet “Rocky,” the likable rock pet that’s taking the world by storm – or at least your best friend’s life! Forget about those high-maintenance furballs and say hello to the most chill, laid-back companion on the planet.

Rocky comes complete with official adoption papers, making your best friend its proud, new parent. Yes, a rock pet deserves that level of legitimacy too! Rocky’s not just any old stone – he’s a loving, dependable buddy and an unshakable reminder that you and your BFF rock together like a pair of geological soulmates.

But what makes Rocky the perfect pet, you ask? Well, for starters, he’s incredibly low-maintenance. Your friend can kiss goodbye to late-night walks in the rain, litter box duties, and expensive trips to the vet. Rocky’s immune to fleas and absolutely loves being left at home alone. In fact, the more you ignore him, the happier he gets!

Plus, Rocky’s got some mad skills. He’s an expert at playing dead, a master of silence, and a professional paperweight. What more could you ask for in a rock pet? Gift your friend the unyielding friendship of Rocky, and they’ll never take their companionship for granite again.

Trust us; this rock-solid bond will last an eon — but here are a few more choices, just in case.

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Want even more fun, quirky and utterly ridiculous gift ideas? I’ve got ’em!


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